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Design Your Model

Optimize Your Organizational Process

Empower Decision Making

Fast. Effective. Reliable
Get Rid of Excel Pitfalls

Discover how you can design your planning model and manage the process across your organization using Agile Planning Management Hub. Empower business analysts and decision-makers with the most powerful BI.

Via Web

or Excel


Validated  data go in & out Qlik's DB

Buisness Partners
Process Manager
Business Analytics
Decision Makers

Design your model

Optimize your organizational process

Empower decision making


Innovative Features - Comprehensive Solution 
Empower Planners and Decision Makers

Adopt cutting-edge enterprise technology and provide your planners' flexibility and stability with a complete set of features and functionality.

Cutting Edge Technology 

Cloud-Based or On-Premises. Secured, Innovative Infrastructure

Agile Planning integrates Qlik Associative Engine with a powerful web-based application that enables you to design your planning model and manage the multi-user process in a complex enterprise environment.

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