Finance professionals straggle with Excel to set targets and templets, consolidate huge amount of data, validate it, refine it, deliver high quality results to top-management, manage versions and what-if scenario, and as they accomplished - mission just began: compare actual and plans and provide relevant gap analysis and effective insights to decision makers...
Agile Planning’s powerful modeling and process management platform will release you from endless “copy-paste”, fixing of broken links, gathering data and other low value tasks that kill productivity.
Do you find yourself struggling with Excel to set targets and templates? Do you require consolidating massive amounts of data and validate it before delivering high-quality results to top management? Are you still trying to manage versions and what-if scenarios with Excel?
Agile Planning’s powerful modeling and process management will release you from endless “copy-paste”, fixing broken links, gathering data,, and other low-value tasks that kill productivity

Process Management
Agile Planning Management Console gives you complete control over the planning process. Open and close versions and scenarios, manage organizational structure, product portfolios, roles and authorizations, audit changes, and set automated data validation

Synchronize Targets & Commitment
Agile Planning manages communication between planners; sets and monitors targets; makes sure everyone aims towards the same goals; keeps notes and annotations directly in your BI.

Innovative User Interface
Design varied planning modules, set rules for automated data integrity. Create data entry web-forms or validated Excel uploads and have all the data you need on-hand

Consolidate Different Modules into One-Unified Plan
Agile Planning Consolidation is easy: push the button and refresh your reports. Lock versions from changing or copy scenario to a new one so you can track and control changes